Monday, June 13, 2011

Thinking about the unloved

It's weird how something can really get you thinking.  I serve in the childrens ministry at my church and when the children's ministry director said they needed volunteers for volunteers at our daughter church's grand opening I quickly agreed.  There were a lot of us from my church so many of us did not know the children at all.  My job was the nursery...and I had a helper but it was a very tiring day.  But what stuck out to me the most was as I met these kids it took some of them a moment to warm up to me and others not so long.  Why was I seeing the posts in my head of when adoptive parents meet thier children for the first time. 

The event lasted 3 hours and the kids did very well and I was able to get them to trust me.  But I couldnt help think of the blogs I have read and the children who just want that security.  These parents were downstairs and love thier kids very much so my heart breaks as I think of the kids in the orphanges who may never find that love. 

I just wanted to share.

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